Strategic location

Located in Southern Brazil and at the center of Mercosur, Rio Grande do Sul provides easy access to South America’s largest consumer markets. Some of the world’s largest cities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires (Argentina), as well as important population and industrial centers like Belo Horizonte, Montevideo (Uruguay) and Cordoba (Argentina) are located within a radius of 1,500 km from the Capital, Porto Alegre. The region has also the largest population concentration of South America, with 150 million people that can be easily contacted by air, road, rail and waterways, and accounts for more than 70% of South America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with quick access to services and suppliers.

Mapa localiza o RS na América Latina

Covering an area of 281,7 thousand km², Rio Grande do Sul’s territory is similar in size to Italy’s territory. It borders the state of Santa Catarina to the north, the provinces of Misiones and Corrientes, in Argentina, to the west, and Uruguay to the south. To the east, Rio Grande do Sul has a coastline of 623 km.
According to the Economics and Statistics Foundation (FEE), Rio Grande do Sul has currently (2016) an estimated population of 11 million inhabitants, which is similar to Belgium’s population. It is the fifth largest population in Brazil.

Flight time from Porto Alegre:
POA-SP: 1h40
POA-RJ: 2h
POA-BSB: 2h50
POA-Buenos Aires: 1h45
POA-Lima: 5h
POA-Panama: 7h20
POA-Lisbon: 10h45

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